The return of this show also marks the return of comedian Jason Resler, now the first comic to make two appearances at S&J. Fans enjoyed him that much the first time around. So I'm bringing him back for more, and hopefully drawing some of those never-been-to-a-cigar-lounge Resler fans in. Jason's been on the road touring a lot, so getting him back in Sac is a rare treat. We're taking full advantage of this brief window before he's right back on the highway.
As always, Smokin' & Jokin' is a two-headliner show, and I've been dying to fit in comic #2 for some time. It's none other than Steve Danner, one of my partners in the Comedians with Disabilities Act comedy troupe. Steve has rocked rooms from the Punch Line in San Francisco to the Laugh Factory in Hollywood, and I can't wait to see what he can do with my favorite cigar lounge.
I will be your host, and look forward to lighting up and laughing-out-loud with all of you, so please, join the fun! Tickets are on sale at the door, and cost $10.00. Early arrival is highly recommended as seating in the place is limited (early arrival is the difference between getting a plush leather seat and getting a plastic chair). Advance notice: cigar and pipe smoking only is allowed in Tobacco Road - no cigarettes. If you're a cigarette smoker, you can just step outside and come right back in after. No worries.
Let us smoke! And joke!
Tobacco Road
2912 Pasatiempo Lane
Sacramento, CA 95821
916 489 4590
2912 Pasatiempo Lane
Sacramento, CA 95821
916 489 4590
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