Monday, January 10, 2011

2010 - My Year in Comedy

So...THAT was a good year...

2010 is now behind, 2011 stands ahead, waiting with promises of new adventures, new surprises and new people.  But before I start the major forging ahead, I thought I'd pause to take a look back - via musical photo slideshow - at my year in comedy in 2010.

And let me apologize to all the people who should have been in this thing that may not have made the cut.  I put together a timeline of photos that did a pretty good job covering the whole 2010 experience, and then realized I had right about twice as many photos as I could actually fit with one song.  My choices were to either make a video with two songs (which is not kind to ask people to sit through) or make the painful decisions and create the best map of my comedy year I could in the time available.  Had to go with pain.  But it breaks down the month by month pretty good.  I do now, though, want to make another video that's just photos of me with people, because it's the people - fans, friends, family, fellow comics, the occasional famous person - that made 2010 the most exciting and fulfilling year of my life to date.  I will get around to that dedication, f'sho.

Maybe after LA.  And San Francisco.  :)

Please take a little time travelin' trip with me (and that's high quality video, so go ahead and use the option to view full screen for best watching), and if you were in any way a part of it with me (whether you pop up on this video or not), thanks for everything.  And let's do it again...all 2011 long!


  1. Mike, nice slideshow and great song choice.

  2. WOW! Meteoric. I didn't work with people like Bobby Slayton and Wil Durst until I was already a has-been. Great video, too. Be funny in LA, Michael.

    Randall Benton (Bentoni)

  3. Martin: It seemed the most appropriate tune for the subject. :) Glad you liked it.

    Bentoni!! Good to hear from you, sir! Yes, things have gone well. I'm VERY aware of how lucky I've been with this year. Yet, I'm still planning to top it with 2011. I aims high! Hope to join up with you for a smoke again one of these days. We'll talk some comedy! Tell your Mrs. I said hello!

  4. PS - Luckily, I was funny in LA. Whew! Hoping to be funny down there a lot more this year.
